Wednesday, November 11, 2009

OCU Women Take Two Silvers at Nation’s 2nd Largest Regatta, Head of the Hooch

Jane Imfeld and Kathryn Schiro took silver in the Women's Championship Double (2x). Imfeld also took silver in the Women's Lightweight Single (1x). The women also raced top-level DI programs from the southeast and central states in the Championship Eights (8+), Championship Fours (4+) and Open Pairs (2-) and took on elite level scullers in the Championship Single (1x). All women performed well after enduring a 15 hour bus ride from Oklahoma City to Chattanooga, TN Thursday night.
Thanks to Cindie Meyer for making the trek from Norman, Oklahoma; and Julia Branch and Joe Hill from Alabama for showing up at every regatta to support the OCU Rowers with food and good cheer!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to all the coaches and bus drivers who made the trip successful! Great fall season looking forward to a fantastic Spring! Row STARS!!!
