Tuesday, September 1, 2009

OCU Sculling and Sweep Teams on the Oklahoma River

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  1. Keep up the great work you stellar athletes!

  2. Man i wish i was as cool as those guys!!!!

  3. "It's neither the catch nor the drive that makes a great rower. A great rower is found somewhere between the oar and the slide, between starboard and port, between bow and stern. A great rower is found within the heart, where blood coarses like the fresh open water into each fingertip, each line of the quads and back driving and recovering back to the heart where no mind, nor state of pain can touch" - John DeMello

  4. Wait, Nick are you trying to say it takes more than ergs to be good at rowing?

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpas0QjKY_A&feature=fvw

  6. Great to see that some of you won't be doing an extra 6k test :) See you tomorrow!

  7. Retreat this weekend! whose ready? I am, because i love this team. LOL :)

  8. Hi Team - check out the history of OCU Rowing (on this page)!!! You should all be very proud of the part you play in making history. Go Stars!
